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Charming Appearance: Pink Wood-sorrel grows in compact clumps, reaching a modest height of 6 to 12 inches. Its clover-like, three-part leaves bring a soft, light green color to the garden, often tinged with a touch of purple. Delicate pink flowers bloom profusely, sometimes appearing in shades of white or lavender, adding a subtle yet delightful charm to any landscape.
Extended Flowering Season: Blooming from spring through fall, this ornamental plant brings lasting color to gardens. Its flowers open in daylight and close at night, following the sun’s path, creating a dynamic visual appeal in flower beds and garden borders.
Adaptable Growing Conditions: Thrives in a range of light conditions, from full sun to partial shade, though it benefits from afternoon shade in hotter climates. Prefers well-draining, organically rich soil, making it a hardy addition to gardens in various climates, where it tolerates diverse temperature ranges.
Easy Propagation: Simple to grow from seeds, Pink Wood-sorrel requires moist, well-prepared soil for germination. For mature plants, clumps can be divided and transplanted with ease, making it a versatile choice for expanding garden beds.
Edible Uses: In culinary uses, Pink Wood-sorrel’s tangy, citrus-like leaves are edible and often enjoyed as a refreshing addition to salads or as a unique garnish, enhancing dishes with both flavor and visual appeal.